Frequently Asked Questions

Only the last 4 remaining digits of Social Security Numbers will remain on the Request for Assistance Application or on any of the supporting documents. The first 5 digits will be redacted from all documents.

How will my privacy and personal information be protected during the application process?

Diagnosis will be verified via page one of the U.S. Breast Biopsy Report provided by your physician.

How do I prove my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment history? 

Yes. The $1,000 Medical/Medicine Stipend has a maximum of 6 Stipends, paid directly to the same individual and must be used by the end of the Calendar Year in which it was issued.  

Is there a limit to how many stipends I can receive a year?

Preference will be to deliver checks to recipients. 

Yes. Individuals’ income must fall within our income guidelines. See Income Guidelines here. Income will be verified via GROSS pay line on applicants (2) most recent pay stubs OR verified via the GROSS Income Line on applicants’ most recent 1040 Tax Return.

Are there any income limits for applicants?

How do you deliver the stipend (check, electronic transfer, etc.)? 

No. You must be 40 years of age at the time you submit the Request for Assistance Application. (Age will be verified via current Driver’s License)

If I am 41 years old, can I apply?

No. You must be 21 years of age at the time you submit the Request for Assistance Application. (Age will be verified via current Driver’s License)

If I am 20 years old, can I apply?

No preference will be given regarding treatment status.

Will preference be given to applicants who are currently undergoing treatment, in remission, or have completed their treatment?

Yes, we are all gender inclusive, as long as the individual is between 21 and 40 at the time the Request for Assistance Application is submitted. 

Can young men with breast cancer also apply?


Can I use my stipend to cover non-medical expenses, such as childcare or rent payment?


Can I apply for this stipend if I am already receiving financial assistance from other organizations?


Can I apply on behalf of someone else?

No. Diagnosis must be Stage 1 or above.

Can I apply if I'm stage 0? 

Yes. You can apply for both the Medical/Medicine Stipend and Mental-Health support simultaneously on the same Request for Assistance Application.

Can I apply for multiple services at once?

Stipends are awarded based on the majority vote of Board Members. As long as your Request for Assistance Application is received on/before the 15th of the Month, it will be reviewed at the subsequent Board Meeting.  

Once I complete my application, how long do you anticipate it will be until I hear if I'm awarded financial assistance?

Questions Our Stipend Applicants Ask:



Majority Board Vote based on confirmation of all criteria: Age, Residency, Diagnosis & Income Level. 

How will you determine which applicants get stipends and which do not?


Can I donate in honor of someone?



Amounts are pre-set. Medical Stipends are $1,000 per Stipend with a maximum of (6) Stipends per year. 

How will you determine how much money each applicant receives?

Diagnosis will be verified via page one of the U.S. Breast Biopsy Report provided by the individuals’ physician.

How do you know if the recipient actually has cancer?

Individuals’ income must fall within our income guidelines. Maximum income: CLICK HERE to see Income Guidelines. Income will be verified via GROSS pay line on applicants (2) most recent pay stubs OR verified via the GROSS Income Line on applicants’ most recent 1040 Tax Return.

How do you know if the recipient actually needs financial assistance?


Can I make a recurring donation to provide ongoing support for stipend recipients over time?

Yes. The Applicant must meet all our guidelines regarding Age, Residency, Diagnosis & Income Level.

Are there any guidelines or ethical standards in place for the allocation of funds to stipend recipients?

Yes. Thriving Beyond Breast Cancer received 501 (c)(3) Status with an effective date of March 9, 2023, therefore any donations made on/after that date are tax deductible.  

Are there any tax benefits associated with donating to this program?

Questions Our Donors Ask: